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Calc Guide 24.2

Appendix B Error Codes


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Steve Fanning

Olivier Hallot

B. Antonio Fernández

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Barbara Duprey

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Published March 2024. Based on LibreOffice 24.2 Community.Other versions of LibreOffice may differ in appearance and functionality.

Introduction to Calc error codes

Calc provides feedback for errors of miscalculation, incorrect use of functions, invalid cell references and values, and other user initiated mistakes. The feedback may be displayed within the cell that contains the error (Figure 1), or on the Status bar (Figure 2), or in both, depending on the type of error. Generally speaking, if the error occurs in the cell that is selected (or contains the cursor), the error message is displayed on the Status bar.

As an example, Figure 1 shows the error code returned when a column is too narrow to display the entire formatted date. The date displayed within the input line, 04/05/1998, would fit within the cell without a problem, but the format used by the cell produces the date value Sunday, April 05, 1998.

Figure 1: Error codes displayed within cells

Error codes displayed within cells

When the cell displaying the #REF! error code in Figure 1 is selected, the Status bar displays the error message as shown in Figure 2. This message is more descriptive than the message displayed in the cell, but it still may not provide enough information to correctly diagnose the problem. For fuller explanations, consult the following tables and the Help topic, Error Codes in LibreOffice Calc.

Figure 2: An error message displayed in the Status bar

An error message displayed in the Status bar

This appendix presents error codes in two tables.

1)  Table 1 lists error strings which are displayed within the cell that actually contains the error. Except in the cases of the ###, #FMT, and #N/A errors, they all correspond to a Calc error code number. Alphanumeric codes such as Err:502 and Err:511 can also appear in cells; these are not separately identified in the Table 1 but their meanings are given in Table 2.

2)  Table 2 explains all of the error codes, listed by code number, including those error codes in the first table.


You can use the ERRORTYPE() function to find the code number for an error occurring in a different cell. Refer to the Help system for more detail about this function.

Error codes displayed within cells

Table 1: Error codes in cells


Cell display

‍Status bar message

Explanation of the error




The column is too narrow to display the complete formatted contents of the cell. This is not really an error value, so there is no corresponding numerical error code. The solutions to this problem are to increase the width of the column, or select Format > Cells > Alignment and click either Wrap text automatically or Shrink to fit cell size in the Properties area so as to make the text match the current column width.




This value is outside of the valid limits for this number format. This is not really an error value, so there is no corresponding numerical error code.



Error: Value not available

A result for the formula expression is not available. The formula cannot find what it has been asked to look for. This is not really an error value, so there is no corresponding numerical error code.



Error: Invalid numeric value‍

Invalid floating point operation. Calculation result outside of the defined value range. A calculation that results in an overflow of the defined value range – a value too big or too small.



‍Error: No value

No valid result is possible. A function cannot supply a value corresponding to its definition; or a cell referenced in the formula contains text instead of an expected number.



Error: No code or intersection

No code or no intersection. The intersection of ranges produced zero cells.



Error: Not a valid reference ‍

Compiler: a row or column heading could not be detected. Interpreter: the formula refers to a cell whose column, row, or table/sheet has been deleted or which is outside the table/sheet. The formula within the cell uses a reference that does not exist. Either a column or a row description name could not be resolved, or the column, row, or sheet that contains a referenced cell is missing or it is outside the sheet.



‍Error: Invalid name

An identifier could not be evaluated: no valid reference, no valid function name, no column/row label, no macro, incorrect decimal separator, add-in not found.



‍Error: Division by zero

The denominator of a division operation ("/") is 0 (zero). Several functions can also return this error.

General error codes

The following table is an overview of the most common error messages for LibreOffice Calc.


Errors described as Internal errors should not be encountered by users under normal conditions.

Table 2: List of error codes


Status bar message

Explanation of the error


Error: Invalid character

Invalid character in formula. Similar to the Invalid Name error (525) except that it occurs within a formula.


Error: Invalid argument

An argument of a function has an invalid value. This error also occurs if more than one matching cell is found by the DGET() function.



Error: Invalid numeric value

Invalid floating point operation. Calculation result outside of the defined value range. A calculation that results in an overflow of the defined value range – a value too big or too small.


Error in parameter list

The type of a parameter of a function is invalid. For instance, a parameter of a function is text instead of a number.


Error: in bracketing

Missing bracket or parenthesis


Error: in bracketing

Missing bracket or parenthesis. For instance, closing parenthesis without an opening parenthesis, or a missing closing parenthesis in the middle of a formula.


Error: Operator missing

An operator is missing.


Error: Variable missing

Two operators, where the second is not a unitary operator, follow each other.


Error: Variable missing

The function requires more variables than those provided.


Error: Formula overflow

Formula too long / complex. For example, the total number of internal tokens (that is, operators, variables, brackets) in the formula exceeds 8192.


Error: String overflow

Character string too long.


Error: Internal overflow

Internal capacity exceeded. An internal calculation stack overflow occurred.


Internal syntactical error

Unknown error.


Internal syntactical error

Matrix is expected on the calculation stack, but it is not available. The calculation stack should contain a matrix but it is not there.


Internal syntactical error

Unknown operation code. A document containing a newer feature is loaded in an older version of Calc that did not support that feature.


Internal syntactical error

Variable not available. A variable was supposed to be popped from the calculation stack but it is not available / not there.



Error: No value

No valid result is possible. A function cannot supply a value corresponding to its definition; or a cell referenced in the formula contains text instead of an expected number.


Internal syntactical error

The compiler has generated a code which it cannot interpret.



Error: No code or intersection

No code or no intersection. The intersection of ranges produced zero cells.


Error: Circular reference

A formula refers directly or indirectly to itself and the Iterations option is not activated under Tools > Options > LibreOffice Calc > Calculate.


Error: Calculation does not converge

The calculation procedure does not converge. A function missed a targeted value (tends towards a given value but does not reach it), or iterative references do not reach the minimum change within the defined maximum steps (increments) that are set.



Error: Not a valid reference

Compiler: a row or column heading could not be detected.

Interpreter: the formula refers to a cell whose column, row, or table/sheet has been deleted or which is outside the table/sheet. The formula within the cell uses a reference that does not exist. Either a column or a row description name could not be resolved, or the column, row, or sheet that contains a referenced cell is missing or it is outside the sheet.



Error: Invalid name

An identifier could not be evaluated: no valid reference, no valid function name, no column/row label, no macro, incorrect decimal separator, add-in not found.



Error: Add-in not found

Add-in not found.



Error: Macro not found

Macro not available / not found.



Error: Division by zero

The denominator of a division operation ("/") is 0 (zero). Several functions can also return this error.


Nested arrays are not supported

Nested arrays are not supported.


Error: Array or matrix size

Invalid size of array. The maximum limit for sorting has been exceeded. The limit is twice the maximum number of rows, so for 1,048,576 rows the limit is 2,097,152 entries. Also obtained whenever a temporary matrix could not be allocated due to its size requirement.


Unsupported inline array content

Bad inline array content, non-value/non-string.


External content disabled

A function that requires (re)loading of external sources is encountered and the user has not confirmed reloading of external sources yet.
