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Draw Guide 7.6

Appendix B, Toolbars


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Contributors for this edition:

Peter Schofield

Contributors for previous editions:

Dave Barton

Kees Kriek

Jean Hollis Weber

Peter Schofield


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Publication date and software version

Published November 2023. Based on LibreOffice 7.6 Community.Other versions of LibreOffice may differ in appearance and functionality.


Draw provides several toolbars for creating drawings. Each toolbar has a default set of tools when LibreOffice is installed on a computer. To improve the usability of a toolbar, additional tools can be added, see “Editing toolbars” for more information.


The toolbar icons displayed in this user guide may differ from what is displayed on a computer screen. Toolbar icons depend on the computer operating system being used and how LibreOffice has been set up. For more information on customizing LibreOffice and the toolbars, see the Getting Started Guide.

Using toolbars

To display and make a toolbar active, go to View > Toolbars on the Menu bar. A submenu opens with an alphabetical list of toolbars available for creating drawings. Click on a toolbar name to display it and make it active. Active toolbars are indicated by highlighting or a check mark next to the toolbar name.

Draw toolbars available



Align Objects


Distribute Selection


Edit Points



Form Controls

Form Design

Form Navigation




Legacy Circles and Ovals

Legacy Rectangles

Line and Filling

Master View

Media Playback




Standard (Viewing Mode)



Text Formatting




Some toolbars, although selected in View > Toolbars on the Menu bar, do not display until an object of the correct type is selected. For example, the Image toolbar only displays when an image is selected.

Closing toolbars

To close a toolbar, use one of the following methods:

Moving toolbars

Docked toolbars

By default, some toolbars are docked into position in the Draw main window. For example, in the Draw main window, the Standard toolbar is docked at the top and the Drawing toolbar on the left side. Docked toolbars can be undocked and moved to a new docked position on the main window or left as a floating toolbar. Before moving a toolbar, the toolbar must be unlocked.

Figure 1: Toolbar handles highlighted

Toolbar handles highlighted

1)  Move the cursor over the small vertical handle at the left end of the toolbar (highlighted in Figure 1). The cursor changes to a moving cursor for the computer system and setup.

2)  Click and drag the toolbar to a new location. This can be a new docked position or a floating toolbar. A hashed border appears around the toolbar indicating the toolbar position as it is dragged.

3)  Release the toolbar when the required position is reached.


If the small vertical bar is not visible at the left end of a docked toolbar, then the toolbar is locked into position. A docked toolbar must be unlocked before it can be moved. See “Locking toolbars” for more information.

Floating toolbars

To move a floating toolbar, click on the title bar and drag it to a new floating location. Release the toolbar when it is in the required position. A floating toolbar does not have to be positioned on the Draw main window for it to function.

Floating sub-toolbars

Some tools on a toolbar have a triangle ▼ to the right of the tool indicating that more tools are available on a sub-toolbar, for example Basic Shapes on the Drawing toolbar. Sub-toolbars can be turned into floating toolbars and moved into a new position as follows:

1)  Move the cursor over the horizontal handle at the top of the sub-toolbar (highlighted in Figure 2). The cursor changes to the moving cursor used for the computer system and setup.

2)  Click and drag the sub-toolbar to a new location creating a floating sub-toolbar.

3)  Release the sub-toolbar when the required position is reached.

4)  To close the floating sub-toolbar, right-click on the triangle ▼ in the sub-toolbar title bar and select Close Toolbar from the context menu.

5)  Alternatively, click on the X in the right corner of the title bar of a floating sub-toolbar

Figure 2: Creating floating sub-toolbar

Creating floating sub-toolbar

Docking a floating toolbar

To dock a floating toolbar, use one of the following methods:

Locking toolbars

Docked toolbars

When a toolbar has been docked into position, the toolbar is locked into position preventing the toolbar from becoming a floating toolbar.


The Lock Toolbar Position is used for locking and unlocking a toolbar, acting like an on/off switch.

Some toolbars cannot be docked or locked into position. This is indicated by the options Dock Toolbar and/or Lock Toolbar Position being grayed out making both options unavailable.

Locking toolbars and sub-toolbars

To prevent ALL toolbars and sub-toolbars from becoming floating toolbars, all toolbars and sub‑toolbars are locked as follows:

1)  Save the drawing that is open in Draw.

2)  Go to View > Toolbars on the Menu bar and select Lock Toolbars from the context menu.

3)  Select Restart Now in the Restart LibreOffice dialog that opens to activate the Lock Toolbars option.

4)  To unlock all toolbars and sub-toolbars so they can be repositioned, repeat Steps 1 thru 3. The Lock Toolbars option is an on/off switch.


Using the Lock Toolbars option affects all toolbars and sub-toolbars available in LibreOffice modules.

Editing toolbars

When LibreOffice is installed on a computer, it includes a set of toolbars suitable for each LibreOffice component. Each toolbar has a default set of visible tools. Tools can be added or deleted, and toolbars can be customized.

Adding tools

1)  Right-click in a blank area on a toolbar, or click on the triangle ▼ on the right of the toolbar title bar.

2)  Select Visible Buttons from the context menu to display a list of available tools.

3)  Click on the tool required and the tool appears in the toolbar. The list of available tools closes automatically. A check mark next to the tool, or highlighting around the tool, indicates that the tool is already installed on the toolbar.


When adding tools using Visible Buttons, the tool is added to the toolbar at the same position as the tool appears in the Visible Buttons list. That is, the top tool in Visible Buttons list appears at the left end of the toolbar and the bottom tool in the list appears at the right end of the toolbar.

Removing tools

1)  Right-click in a blank area on a toolbar, or click on the triangle ▼ on the right of the toolbar title bar.

2)  Select Visible Buttons from the context menu to display a list of available tools.

3)  Click on the tool no longer required to deselect it and the tool is removed from the toolbar. The highlighting or check mark is also removed. The list of available tools closes automatically.

Customizing toolbars

Extra tools and commands that are not available in Visible Buttons can be added to a toolbar using customization (View > Toolbars > Customize on the Menu bar). Customization also allows the creation of new toolbars if a specific set of tools are required for a specific task. For information on customizing toolbars, see the Getting Started Guide.



The 3D-Objects toolbar (Figure 3) provides tools for creating 3D objects. Go to View > Toolbars > 3D-Objects on the Menu bar. Alternatively, click on the triangle ▼ next to the 3D-Objects icon displayed on the Drawing toolbar to open a submenu giving access to the available 3D objects.

Figure 3: 3D-Objects toolbar

3D-Objects toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the 3D-Objects toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Cube

2)  Sphere

3)  Cylinder

4)  Cone

5)  Pyramid

6)  Torus

7)  Shell

8)  Half Sphere


The 3D-Settings toolbar (Figure 4) and its tools only become active when an object has been converted to 3D using Toggle Extrusion and the converted object is selected.

Figure 4: 3D-Settings toolbar

3D-Settings toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the 3D-Settings toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Toggle Extrusion

2)  Tilt Down

3)  Tilt Up

4)  Tilt Left

5)  Tilt Right

6)  Depth

7)  Direction

8)  Lighting

9)  Surface

10)  3D Color

The following tools on this toolbar have a triangle ▼ on the right of the icon. Click on this triangle to open a drop-down menu giving access to various options as follows:

Align Objects

The Align Objects toolbar (Figure 5) provides tools for aligning several objects in a drawing to improve the visual impact of a drawing.

Figure 5: Align Objects toolbar

Align Objects toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Align Objects toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Left

2)  Centered

3)  Right

4)  Top

5)  Center

6)  Bottom


The Comments toolbar (Figure 6) provides tool for adding, deletion, and navigation of comments in a drawing. To use comments, it is recommended to add the name and initials of all users in Tools > Options > LibreOffice > User Data (macOS LibreOffice > Preferences > LibreOffice > User Data) so that comments can be easily identified.

Figure 6: Comments toolbar

Comments toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Comments toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Comment

2)  Previous Comment

3)  Next Comment

4)  Delete Comment

5)  Delete All Comments

Distribute Selection

The Distribute Selection toolbar (Figure 7) provides tools for distributing three or more selected objects evenly along the horizontal axis or vertical axis. Also, the spacing between objects can be evenly distributed.

Figure 7: Distribute Selection toolbar

Distribute Selection toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Distribute Selection toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Horizontally Left

2)  Horizontally Center

3)  Horizontally Spacing

4)  Horizontally Right

5)  Vertically Top

6)  Vertically Center

7)  Vertically Spacing

8)  Vertically Bottom


The Drawing toolbar (Figure 8) provides the majority of the tools normally used to create graphic objects in a drawing. By default, this toolbar is normally docked on the left side of the Workspace.

Figure 8: Drawing toolbar

Drawing toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Drawing toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Select

2)  Zoom & Pan

3)  Zoom

4)  Text Box

5)  Vertical Text

6)  Insert Fontwork

7)  Line Color

8)  Fill Color

9)  Line

10)  Rectangle

11)  Ellipse

12)  Line Ends with Arrow

13)  Lines and Arrows

14)  Curves and Polygons

15)  Connectors

16)  Basic Shapes

17)  Symbol Shapes

18)  Block Arrows (Arrow Shapes in Visible Buttons))

19)  Flowchart (Flowchart Shapes in Visible Buttons)

20)  Callouts (Callout Shapes in Visible Buttons)

21)  Stars and Banners (Star Shapes in Visible Buttons)

22)  3D Objects

23)  Rotate

24)  Flip

25)  Align Objects

26)  Arrange

27)  Select at least three objects to distribute (Distribution in visible Buttons)

28)  Shadow

29)  Crop Image (Crop in Visible Buttons)

30)  Filter

31)  Points (Edit Points in Visible Buttons)

32)  Show Gluepoints Function (Gluepoints in Visible Buttons)

33)  To Curve

34)  To Polygon

35)  To 3D

36)  T0 3D Rotation Object

37)  Toggle Extrusion

38)  Insert

39)  Controls

Some tool shapes on the Drawing toolbar change depending on the last tool that had previously been selected and used.

Edit Points

The Edit Points toolbar (Figure 9) provides tools for editing the points of a curve or an object that has been converted to a curve.

Figure 9: Edit Points toolbar

Edit Points toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Edit Points toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Edit Points

2)  Move Points

3)  Insert Points

4)  Delete Points

5)  Convert to Curve

6)  Close Bezier

7)  Split Curve

8)  Corner Point

9)  Smooth Transition

10)  Symmetric Transition

11)  Eliminate Points

The toolbar only becomes active when an object is selected and one of the following methods is used to open the toolbar:


The Find toolbar (Figure 10) opens by default in the bottom left corner of the Draw main window. This toolbar is normally docked at the bottom left of the Draw main window above the Status Bar. However, it can be undocked and made into a floating toolbar.

Figure 10: Find toolbar

Find toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Find toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Close Find Bar

2)  Find Values

3)  Find Previous

4)  Find Next

5)  Find All

6)  Match Case

7)  Find and Replace

8)  [place holder for message]


The Fontwork toolbar (Figure 11) is used creating and formatting graphical text objects in a drawing. This toolbar only becomes active when a Fontwork graphical text object in the drawing has been selected.

Figure 11: Fontwork toolbar

Fontwork toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Fontwork toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Insert Fontwork Text

2)  Fontwork Shape

3)  Fontwork Same Letter Heights

4)  Fontwork Alignment

5)  Fontwork Character Spacing

6)  Toggle Extrusion

Some tools on the Fontwork toolbar have a triangle ▼ to the right of the tool. Click on the triangle to open a pop-up toolbar or drop-down option list.

Form Controls

The Form Controls toolbar (Figure 12) provides the tools for creating an interactive form allowing controls to be added to a form in a drawing (for example a button that opens another drawing or document).

Figure 12: Form Controls toolbar

Form Controls toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Form Controls toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Select

2)  Design Mode

3)  Toggle Form Control Wizards

4)  Form Design

5)  Control Properties

6)  Form Properties

7)  Label

8)  Text Box

9)  Check Box

10)  Option Button

11)  List Box

12)  Combo Box

13)  Push Button

14)  Image Button

15)  Formatted Field

16)  Date Field

17)  Numerical Field

18)  Group Box

19)  Time Field

20)  Currency Field

21)  Pattern Field

22)  Table Control

23)  Navigation Bar

24)  Image Control

25)  File Selection

26)  Spin Button

27)  Scrollbar

Form Design

The Form Design toolbar (Figure 13) allows editing of a form in Design Mode. Controls of the form cannot be activated, or its contents edited, when in Design Mode. However, the position and size of the controls can be changed, properties edited, added or deleted in Design Mode.

Figure 13: Form Design toolbar

Form Design toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Form Design toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Select

2)  Control Properties

3)  Form Properties

4)  Position and Size

5)  Form Navigator

6)  Activation Order

7)  Add Field

8)  Automatic Control Focus

9)  Bring to Front

10)  Send to Back

11)  Group

12)  Ungroup

13)  Enter Group

14)  Exit Group

15)  Align Objects

16)  Open in Design Mode

17)  Display Grid

18)  Snap to Grid

19)  Helplines While Moving

Form Navigation

The Form Navigation toolbar (Figure 14) provides tools for editing a database table or controlling the data view. It is normally displayed at the bottom of a document that contains fields linked to a database. It is only active when forms are connected to a database and Figure 14 displays an inactivate toolbar.

Figure 14: Form Navigation toolbar

Form Navigation toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Form Navigation toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Find Record

2)  Record

3)  Absolute Record

4)  Text -> Record

5)  Total No. of Records

6)  First Record

7)  Previous Record

8)  Next Record

9)  Last Record

10)  New Record

11)  Save Record

12)  Undo: Data entry

13)  Delete Record

14)  Refresh

15)  Refresh Control

16)  Sort

17)  Sort Ascending

18)  Sort Descending

19)  AutoFilter

20)  Apply Filter

21)  Form-Based Filters

22)  Reset Filter/Sort

23)  Data source as Table

The Form Navigation toolbar allows movement within records as well as inserting and deleting records. If data is saved in a form, the changes are transferred to the database. This toolbar also provides tools providing sort, filter, and search functions for data records.


The Gluepoints toolbar (Figure 15) provides tools for inserting a gluepoint or modifying the properties of a gluepoint. A gluepoint is a point where a connector is attached to an object. By default, LibreOffice automatically places a gluepoint at the center of each side of the bounding rectangle for every object created.

Figure 15: Gluepoints toolbar

Gluepoints toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Gluepoints toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Insert Gluepoint

2)  Exit Direction Left

3)  Exit Direction Top

4)  Exit Direction Right

5)  Exit Direction Bottom

6)  Gluepoint Relative

7)  Gluepoint Horizontal Left

8)  Gluepoint Horizontal Center

9)  Gluepoint Horizontal Right

10)  Gluepoint Vertical Top

11)  Gluepoint Vertical Center

12)  Gluepoint Vertical Bottom


The Image toolbar (Figure 16) provides tools for editing, modifying, align, repositioning and resizing images. The toolbar only becomes active and available when an image is selected in a drawing. The Image toolbar automatically replaces the Line and Filling toolbar when it activates.

Figure 16: Image toolbar

Image toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Image toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Position and Size

2)  Align Objects

3)  Left

4)  Centered

5)  Right

6)  Top

7)  Center

8)  Bottom

9)  Arrange

10)  Bring to Front

11)  Bring Forward

12)  Send Backward

13)  Send to Back

14)  In Front of Object

15)  Behind Object

16)  Reverse

17)  Line Style

18)  Line Width

19)  Line Color

20)  Area Style/Filling

21)  Fill Color

22)  Shadow

23)  Filter

24)  Image Mode

25)  Crop

26)  Vertically

27)  Horizontally

28)  Transformations

29)  Transparency

30)  Color

31)  Line

32)  Area


The Insert toolbar (Figure 17) provides tools for inserting objects into a drawing such as table, images, media, formulas, charts, and OLE objects.

Figure 17: Insert toolbar

Insert toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Insert toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  New Page

2)  Floating Frame

3)  Insert Page from File

4)  Table

5)  Image

6)  Insert Audio or Video (Media in Visible Buttons)

7)  Formula Object

8)  Chart

9)  OLE Object

Legacy Circles and Ovals

The Legacy Circles and Ovals toolbar (Figure 18) provides tools for inserting different types of circles and ovals into a drawing.

Figure 18: Legacy Circles and Ovals toolbar

Legacy Circles and Ovals toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Legacy Circles and Ovals toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Insert Ellipse

2)  Circle

3)  Ellipse Pie

4)  Circle Pie

5)  Ellipse Segment

6)  Circle Segment

7)  Ellipse, Unfilled

8)  Circle, Unfilled

9)  Ellipse Pie, Unfilled

10)  Circle Pie, Unfilled

11)  Ellipse Segment, Unfilled

12)  Circle Segment, Unfilled

13)  Arc

14)  Circle Arc

Legacy Rectangles

The Legacy Rectangles toolbar (Figure 19) provides tools to insert different types of rectangles and squares into a drawing.

Figure 19: Legacy Rectangles toolbar

Legacy Rectangles toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Legacy Rectangles toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Insert Rectangle

2)  Square

3)  Rectangle, Rounded

4)  Rounded Square

5)  Rectangle, Unfilled

6)  Square, Unfilled

7)  Rounded Rectangle, Unfilled

8)  Rounded Square, Unfilled

Line and Filling

The Line and Filling toolbar (Figure 20) provides tools and drop-down lists for editing lines, arrows, and object borders. Available tools depends on the type of object selected for editing.

Figure 20: Line and Filling toolbar

Line and Filling toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Line and Filling toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Position and Size

2)  Align Objects

3)  Left

4)  Centered

5)  Right

6)  Top

7)  Center

8)  Bottom

9)  Arrange

10)  Bring to Front

11)  Bring Forward

12)  Send Backward

13)  Send to Back

14)  In Front of Object

15)  Behind Object

16)  Reverse

17)  Line Style

18)  Line Width

19)  Line Color

20)  Area Style/Filling

21)  Fill Color

22)  Shadow

23)  Arrow Style

24)  Vertically

25)  Horizontally

26)  Transformations

27)  Line

28)  Area

29)  3D Effects

30)  Image Map

31)  Animation

32)  Interaction

33)  Show the Styles Sidebar

34)  Display Grid

35)  Helplines While Moving

Master View

The Master View toolbar (Figure 21) provides tools for creating, renaming, deleting, and closing the master view. This toolbar is only active when Draw is in master view mode.

Figure 21: Master View toolbar

Master View toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Master View toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  New Master

2)  Rename Master

3)  Delete Master

4)  Close Master View

Media Playback

The Media Playback toolbar (Figure 22) provides the standard tools required for inserting, viewing, playing, and listening to audio and video files. The toolbar only becomes active when a media file is selected. Draw supports many different media formats depending on the computer operating system being used.

Figure 22: Media Playback toolbar

Media Playback toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Media Playback toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Insert Audio or Video

2)  Play

3)  Pause

4)  Stop

5)  Repeat

6)  Position

7)  Mute

8)  Volume

9)  View


The Options toolbar (Figure 23) provides tools for editing various settings for drawings. For example, how objects snap to the grid when being moved or resized.

Figure 23: Options toolbar

Options toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Options toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Rotation Mode after Clicking Object

2)  Display Grid

3)  Display Snap Guides

4)  Helplines While Moving

5)  Snap to Grid

6)  Snap to Snap Guides

7)  Snap to Page Margins

8)  Snap to Object Borders

9)  Snap to Object Points

10)  Allow Quick Editing

11)  Select Text Area Only

12)  Double-click to edit Text

13)  Modify Object with Attributes

14)  Exit All Groups


The Redaction toolbar (Figure 24) is used to block portions of a drawing when protecting sensitive information. Redaction helps enterprises and organizations to comply with regulations on confidentiality or privacy.

Figure 24: Redaction toolbar

Redaction toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Redaction toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Rectangle

2)  Freeform

3)  Redacted Export (White)

4)  Redacted Export (Black)

5)  PDF

When a redacted drawing is exported, any redacted portions are removed from the drawing and replaced by redaction blocks of pixels. This prevents any attempt in restoring or copying the original contents. A redacted drawing is often exported as PDF for publication or sharing.


The Standard toolbar (Figure 25) is common to all LibreOffice components providing the most common tools used for creating and editing documents using LibreOffice. The Standard toolbar differs between LibreOffice components to allow for different toolsets used in creating different types of documents.

Figure 25: Standard toolbar

Standard toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Standard toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Load URL

2)  New

3)  Templates

4)  Open

5)  Open Remote

6)  Save

7)  Save As

8)  Email

9)  Edit Mode

10)  Export

11)  Export Directly as PDF

12)  Print Directly

13)  Print

14)  Cut

15)  Copy

16)  Paste

17)  Clone Formatting (Clone in Visible Buttons)

18)  Clear

19)  Undo

20)  Redo

21)  Spelling

22)  Auto Spellcheck

23)  Display Grid (Grid in Visible Buttons)

24)  Helplines While Moving

25)  Zoom & Pan

26)  Object Zoom

27)  Zoom

28)  Table

29)  Insert Image (Image in Visible Buttons)

30)  Insert Chart (Chart in Visible Buttons)

31)  Insert Text Box (Text Box in Visible Buttons)

32)  Insert Special Characters (Symbol in Visible Buttons)

33)  Vertical Text

34)  Insert Fontwork Text

35)  Insert Hyperlink (Hyperlink in Visible Buttons)

36)  Transformations

37)  Flip

38)  Position and Size

39)  Align Objects

40)  Distribution

41)  Shadow

42)  Crop

43)  Filter

44)  3D Effects

45)  Edit Points

46)  Gluepoints

47)  Toggle Extrusion

48)  Show Draw Functions (Draw Functions in Visible Buttons)

49)  LibreOffice Help

50)  What’s That

51)  Go to First Page

52)  Go to Previous Page

53)  Go to Next Page

54)  Go to Last Page

55)  Move Page to Start

56)  Move Page Up

57)  Move Page Down

58)  Move Page to End

Standard (Viewing Mode)

The Standard (Viewing Mode) toolbar (Figure 26) provides tools for saving, editing, and distributing a drawing.

Figure 26: Standard (Viewing Mode) toolbar

Standard (Viewing Mode) toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Standard (Viewing Mode) toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Save As

2)  Toggle Edit Mode (Edit Mode in Visible Buttons)

3)  Toggle Read Only Mode (Read Only Mode in Visible Buttons)

4)  Attach to Email (Email in Visible Buttons)

5)  Export Directly as PDF

6)  Export as EPUB (EPUB in Visible Buttons)

7)  Print Directly

8)  Print

9)  Copy

10)  Find and Replace

11)  Zoom


The Table toolbar (Figure 27) provides tools and options for editing and formatting a table inserted into a drawing. This toolbar only becomes active when a table is selected.

Figure 27: Table toolbar

Table toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Table toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Table

2)  Border Style

3)  Border Color

4)  Borders (Shift to overwrite)

5)  Area Style/Filling

6)  Fill Color

7)  Merge Cells

8)  Split Cells

9)  Optimize

10)  Align Top (Top in Visible Buttons)

11)  Center Vertically (Center in Visible Buttons)

12)  Align Bottom (Bottom in Visible Buttons)

13)  Insert Row Above

14)  Insert Row Below

15)  Insert Column Before

16)  Insert Column After

17)  Delete Row

18)  Delete Column

19)  Delete Table

20)  Select Table

21)  Select Column

22)  Select Row

23)  Table Design

24)  Table Properties

Text Formatting

The Text Formatting toolbar (Figure 28) provides tools for formatting text and alignment commands. This toolbar becomes active when text in a text box or graphic object has been selected and it automatically replaces the Line and Filling toolbar.

Figure 28: Text Formatting toolbar

Text Formatting toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Text Formatting toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Font Name

2)  Font Size

3)  Increase Font Size (Increase in Visible Buttons)

4)  Decrease Font Size (Decrease in Visible Buttons)

5)  Bold

6)  Italic

7)  Underline

8)  Double Underline

9)  Strikethrough

10)  Overline

11)  Superscript

12)  Subscript

13)  Toggle Shadow (Shadow in Visible Buttons)

14)  Apply outline attribute to font. Not all fonts implement this attribute. (Outline Font Effect in Visible Buttons)

15)  Clear

16)  lowercase


18)  Small capitals

19)  Font Color

20)  Character Highlighting Color

21)  Toggle Unordered List (Unordered List in Visible Buttons)

22)  Toggle Ordered List (Ordered List in Visible Buttons)

23)  Outline Format

24)  Align Left (Left in Visible Buttons)

25)  Align Center (Center in Visible Buttons)

26)  Align Right (Right in Visible Buttons)

27)  Justified

28)  Align Top (Top in Visible Buttons)

29)  Center Vertically (Center in Visible Buttons)

30)  Align Bottom (Bottom in Visible Buttons)

31)  Set Line Spacing (Line Spacing in Visible Buttons)

32)  Character Spacing

33)  Increase Paragraph Spacing (Increase in Visible Buttons)

34)  Decrease Paragraph Spacing (Decrease in Visible Buttons)

35)  Text direction from left to right

36)  Text direction from top to bottom

37)  Left-To-Right

38)  Right-To-Left

39)  Select All

40)  Character

41)  Paragraph


The Transformations toolbar (Figure 29) provides tools for modifying the shape, orientation, or fill of selected objects.

Figure 29: Transformations toolbar

Transformations toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Transformations toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Rotate

2)  Flip

3)  In 3D Rotation Object

4)  Set in Circle (perspective)

5)  Set to circle (slant)

6)  Distort

7)  Interactive transparency tool (Transparency tool in Visible Buttons)

8)  Interactive gradient tool (Gradient tool in Visible Buttons)


The Zoom toolbar (Figure 30) provides tools for reducing or enlarging the screen display of the current drawing.

Figure 30: Zoom toolbar

Zoom toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Zoom toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the toolbar.

1)  Zoom In

2)  Zoom Out

3)  100%

4)  Zoom Previous

5)  Zoom Next

6)  Entire Page

7)  Page Width

8)  Optimal View (Optimal in Visible Buttons)

9)  Object Zoom

10)  Zoom & Pan

11)  Shift



Clicking on the triangle ▼ to the right of 3D-Objects on the Drawing toolbar opens the 3D-Objects sub-toolbar (Figure 31). Select the required 3D object for insertion into a drawing.

Figure 31: 3D-Objects sub-toolbar

3D-Objects sub-toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the 3D-Objects sub-toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the sub-toolbar.

1)  Cube

2)  Sphere

3)  Cylinder

4)  Cone

5)  Pyramid

6)  Torus

7)  Shell

8)  Half Sphere


The 3D-Objects sub-toolbar is identical to the 3D-Objects toolbar available at View > Toolbars on the Menu bar.

Basic Shapes

Clicking on the triangle ▼ to the right of Basic Shapes on the Drawing toolbar opens the Basic Shapes sub-toolbar (Figure 32). Select the required basic shape for insertion into a drawing.

Figure 32: Basic Shapes sub-toolbar

Basic Shapes sub-toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Basic Shapes sub-toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the sub-toolbar.

1)  Rectangle

2)  Rectangle, Rounded

3)  Square

4)  Square, Rounded

5)  Parallelogram

6)  Trapezoid

7)  Ellipse

8)  Circle

9)  Circle Pie

10)  Circle Segment

11)  Arc

12)  Block Arc

13)  Isosceles Triangle

14)  Right Triangle

15)  Diamond

16)  Regular Pentagon

17)  Hexagon

18)  Octagon

19)  Cylinder

20)  Cube

21)  Folded Corner

22)  Cross

23)  Frame

24)  Ring

Block Arrows

Clicking on the triangle ▼ to the right of Block Arrows on the Drawing toolbar opens the Block Arrows sub-toolbar (Figure 33). Select the required block arrow for insertion into a drawing.

Figure 33: Block Arrows sub-toolbar

Block Arrows sub-toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Block Arrows sub-toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the sub-toolbar.

1)  Right Arrow

2)  Left Arrow

3)  Down Arrow

4)  Up Arrow

5)  Left and Right Arrow

6)  Up and Down Arrow

7)  Circular Arrow

8)  S-shaped Arrow

9)  Split Arrow

10)  Right or Left Arrow

11)  4-way Arrow

12)  Corner Right Arrow

13)  Chevron

14)  Pentagon

15)  Striped Right Arrow

16)  Up, right and Down Arrow

17)  Notched Right Arrow

18)  Up and Right Arrow

19)  Right Arrow Callout

20)  Left Arrow Callout

21)  Down Arrow Callout

22)  Up Arrow Callout

23)  Left and Right Arrow Callout

24)  Up and Down Arrow Callout

25)  4-way Arrow Callout

26)  Up and Right Arrow Callout


Clicking on the triangle ▼ to the right of Callouts on the Drawing toolbar to open the Callouts sub‑toolbar (Figure 34). Select the required callout for insertion into a drawing.

Figure 34: Callouts sub-toolbar

Callouts sub-toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Callouts sub-toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the sub-toolbar.

1)  Rectangular Callout

2)  Rounded Rectangular Callout

3)  Round Callout

4)  Cloud

5)  Line Callout 1

6)  Line Callout 2

7)  Line Callout 3


The Color sub-toolbar (Figure 35) provides tools for editing the color properties of a selected object. After selecting an image or graphic to open the Image toolbar, click on Color on the Image toolbar opening the Color sub-toolbar.

Figure 35: Color sub-toolbar

Color sub-toolbar

The tools available on the Color sub-toolbar are as follows:


Clicking on the triangle ▼ to the right of Connectors on the Drawing toolbar opens the Connectors sub‑toolbar (Figure 36). Select the required connector for insertion into a drawing.

Figure 36: Connectors sub-toolbar

Connectors sub-toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Connectors sub-toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the sub-toolbar.

1)  Connector Ends with Arrow

2)  Straight Connector Ends with Arrow

3)  Curved Connector Ends with Arrow

4)  Line Connector Ends with Arrow

5)  Connector

6)  Straight Connector

7)  Curved Connector

8)  Line Connector

9)  Connector Starts with Arrow

10)  Straight Connector starts with Arrow

11)  Curved Connector Starts with Arrow

12)  Line Connector Starts Arrow

13)  Connector Ends with Circle

14)  Straight Connector Ends with Circle

15)  Curved Connector Ends with Circle

16)  Line Connector Ends with Circle

17)  Connector Starts with Circle

18)  Straight Connector starts with Circle

19)  Curved Connector Starts with Circle

20)  Line Connector Starts with Circle

21)  Connector with Circles

22)  Straight Connector with Circle

23)  Curved Connector with Circle

24)  Line Connector with Circle

Curves and Polygons

Clicking on the triangle ▼ to the right of Curves and Polygons on the Drawing toolbar opens the Curves and Polygons sub‑toolbar (Figure 37). Select the required curve or polygon for insertion into a drawing.

Figure 37: Curves and Polygons sub-toolbar

Curves and Polygons sub-toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Curves and Polygons sub-toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the sub-toolbar.

1)  Curve, Filled

2)  Polygon, Filled

3)  Polygon (45°), Filled

4)  Freeform Line, Filled

5)  Curve

6)  Polygon

7)  Polygon (45°)

8)  Freeform Line


Clicking on the triangle ▼ to the right of Flowchart on the Drawing toolbar opens the Flowchart sub‑toolbar (Figure 38). Select the required flowchart shape for insertion into a drawing.

Figure 38: Flowchart sub-toolbar

Flowchart sub-toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Flowchart sub-toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the sub-toolbar.

1)  Flowchart: Process

2)  Flowchart: Alternate Process

3)  Flowchart: Decision

4)  Flowchart: Data

5)  Flowchart: Predefined Process

6)  Flowchart: Internal Storage

7)  Flowchart: Document

8)  Flowchart: Multidocument

9)  Flowchart: Terminator

10)  Flowchart: Preparation

11)  Flowchart: Manual Input

12)  Flowchart: Manual Operation

13)  Flowchart: Connector

14)  Flowchart: Off-page Connector

15)  Flowchart: Card

16)  Flowchart: Punched Tape

17)  Flowchart: Summing Junction

18)  Flowchart: Or

19)  Flowchart: Collate

20)  Flowchart: Sort

21)  Flowchart: Extract

22)  Flowchart: Merge

23)  Flowchart: Stored Data

24)  Flowchart: Delay

25)  Flowchart: Sequential Access

26)  Flowchart: Magnetic Disc

27)  Flowchart: Direct Access Storage

28)  Flowchart: Display

Image Filter

Clicking on the triangle ▼ to the right of Filter on the Image toolbar opens the Image Filter sub‑toolbar (Figure 39). Select the required filter to change how an image appears on the display.

Figure 39: Image Filter sub-toolbar

Image Filter sub-toolbar

The filters available on the Image Filter sub-toolbar are as follows:

Lines and Arrows

Clicking on the triangle ▼ to the right of Lines and Arrows on the Drawing toolbar opens the Lines and Arrows sub‑toolbar (Figure 40). Select the required line or arrow for insertion into a drawing.

Figure 40: Lines and Arrows sub-toolbar

Lines and Arrows sub-toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Lines and Arrows sub-toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the sub-toolbar.

1)  Line Ends with Arrow

2)  Line with Circle/Arrow

3)  Line with Square/Arrow

4)  Line with Arrows

5)  Line Starts with Arrow

6)  Line with Arrow/Circle

7)  Line with Arrow/Square

8)  Insert Line

9)  Dimension Line

10)  Line (45°)

Stars and Banners

Clicking on the triangle ▼ to the right of Stars and Banners on the Drawing toolbar opens the Stars and Banners sub‑toolbar (Figure 41). Select the required star or arrow for insertion into a drawing.

Figure 41: Stars and Banners sub-toolbar

Stars and Banners sub-toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Stars and Banners sub-toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the sub-toolbar.

1)  4-Point Star

2)  5-Point Star

3)  6-Point Star

4)  8-Point Star

5)  12-Point Star

6)  24-Point Star

7)  Explosion

8)  Vertical Scroll

9)  Horizontal Scroll

10)  Signet

11)  Doorplate

12)  6-Point Star, Concave

Symbol Shapes

Clicking on the triangle ▼ to the right of Symbol Shapes on the Drawing toolbar to open the Symbol Shapes sub‑toolbar (Figure 42). Select the required symbol shape for insertion into a drawing.

Figure 42: Symbol Shapes sub-toolbar

Symbol Shapes sub-toolbar

The tools available in Visible Buttons for the Symbol Shapes sub-toolbar are numbered from left to right when installed on the sub-toolbar.

1)  Smiley Face

2)  Heart

3)  Sun

4)  Moon

5)  Cloud

6)  Lightning Bolt

7)  Flower

8)  Prohibited

9)  Puzzle

10)  Square Bevel

11)  Octagon Bevel

12)  Diamond Bevel

13)  Double Bracket

14)  Left Bracket

15)  Right Bracket

16)  Double Brace

17)  Left Brace

18)  Right Brace
